Most data grids used throughout the Airworthiness Certification (AWC) application function in the same manner. The details below provide the instructions for working with data grids in AWC. Some functions may not be applicable to all data grids.
Data Grid Composition
The data grid is comprised of a header row, a group-by header row, a column heading row, a footer row and columns between the header and footer with corresponding rows of data. Some data grids have an additional embedded data grid with more information that can be displayed or hidden.
- Between the forward and backward arrows are numbered circles, which can be used to access the corresponding page of records; the current page has a black number in a white background, while subsequent pages have a white number in a blue background. If there are more than 10 pages, click the ellipsis following the last displayed page number to access the next set of pages. Click the icon to move to the subsequent page or the icon to jump to the last page. Similarly click the icon to move to the preceding page or the icon to jump to the first page.
- A drop-down select box allows you to choose the number of records to be displayed in the each page of the grid) with choice of 5, 10 [default] and 20 followed by the field label “items per page.” Some data grids permit a greater number of records to display. The bottom right of the footer row displays the number of records displayed on the current grid page with respect to the total number of records being viewed (i.e., 1-10 of 100 items represents viewing records 1 through 10 of 100 total records). For queries where no records are found the footer row will display “No items to display.”
As stated above, some data grids have a embedded secondary grid with additional data. In such cases, the first column in the primary data grid contains an right-facing arrow that when clicked reveals this embedded grid pertaining to the selected record. Click the downward facing arrow to expand or hide this embedded secondary grid.
Sorting Records
The column heading allows you to sort records in ascending or descending order based on the column selected. This page is available for all column headings. To display the data grid contents in either ascending or descending order:
Filtering/Restricting Data Display
The vertical ellipsis in the far right of each column heading allow you to select the columns to display in the data grid and/or set a filter for the data being displayed in the grid. The data grid filters and column restrictions are only active during the current page session. On page refresh, the filters and column restrictions will be removed.
- Is equal to
- Is not equal to
- Starts with
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Ends with
- Is null
- Is not null
- Is empty
- Is not empty
Grouping Records
The group-by header row provides the capability to drag and drop the column headings for grouping the records in the data grid according to the column contents. One or more groups can be applied to the data grid. The data grid grouping is only active during the current page session. On page refresh, the data grid grouping will be removed.
Note: After dragging and dropping the column heading for grouping the records, the grouped records can be sorted in either ascending or descending order by clicking the arrow located to the left of the dropped heading.
On page refresh, the data grid will revert back to the default display order.
Change The Order of the Data Grid Columns
To change the order of the data grid columns, click and hold the column heading row and drag and drop into the desired position (location) in the data grid. The data grid column display is only active during the current page session. On page refresh, the data grid column order will revert back to the default display order.
Change The Width of the Data Grid Columns
To change the width of the data grid columns (expand or contract), click and hold the rightmost column dividing line in the heading row and pull to the right to expand or pull to the left to contract. The data grid column width is only active during the current page session. On page refresh, the data grid columns will revert back to the default display width.
Selecting Records
Some data grids allow you to select one or more records listed in the data grid to perform specific action (e.g., Remove). To select all records in the data grid to perform an action, select the check box in the column heading row ("Select All") of the data grid which selects all records in the data grid. To deselect all records, click the box in the heading row ("Select All") removing the check which deselects all records in the data grid. To select a specific record or group of records in the data grid to perform an action, select the check box in the row corresponding to the record, one or more, for which you want to perform the action.
Exporting Data
You use the Export to Excel or "Export To PDF" links located in the header row of each data grid to export the data grid contents to either Microsoft Excel (XLSX) or Adobe Reader (PDF). The file output will contain the columns and corresponding data (all pages) that displays in the data grid for which the Export to Excel or "Export To PDF" was selected.
Note: For successful file export, the software corresponding to the type of export (Microsoft Excel or Adobe Reader) must be installed and available on the user's computer.
Data Grid Keyboard Navigation
The table below provides the keyboard shortcuts for the data grids used throughout the AWC application. Shortcut keys help increase speed and effectiveness for keyboard-oriented users. Some of the most commonly used shortcut keystrokes are listed in the table below.
Alt + w focuses the widget. |
Enter sort by the column. |
Alt + Down opens the filter menu. |
Esc closes the filter menu. |
Tab navigates through the elements in the filter menu(default browser behavior). |
Shift + Tab same as Tab, but in reverse order. |
Ctrl + Left Arrow reorders the column with the previous one. |
Ctrl + Right Arrow reorders the column with the next one. |
Arrow Keys to navigate over the cells. |
Enter on group row will toggle expand/collapse. |
Page Up pages on previous page. |
Page Down pages on next page. |
Space selects the row holding the currently highlighted cell. |
Ctrl + Space selects or deselects the current row, while persisting previously selected rows (only for selection mode "multiple"). |
Shift + Space performs range selection, selects all the rows between the last selected one (with SPACE or mouse click) and the one holding the focused cell. |
Shift + Arrow Keys adds the row which holds the focused cell to the selection (only for selection mode "multiple"). |
Ctrl + Home focuses the first focusable element inside the body. |
Ctrl + End focuses the last focusable cell in the last row. |
Home focuses the first focusable cell in the row. |
End focuses the last focusable cell in the row. |
Ctrl + Space group/ungroup the focused column. |
FOCUS + shift + up arrow or down arrow selects multiple records. |